Hypoglycaemia management short talks for Healthcare Professionals 

Please click on the talking heads to watch and listen to each of the themed talks

In this film, Theresa Smyth Consultant Diabetes Specialist Nurse in the West Midlands discusses hypoglycaemia in pregnancy for ladies with diabetes

In this film, Dr Fiona Campbell OBE Medical Director for Children’s Diabetes Services Leeds Children’s Hospital, Francesca Annan Lead Dietitian for Children and Young Person Diabetes Service University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, and Carole Gelder Children’s Diabetes Specialist Nurse Leeds Children’s Hospital discuss hypoglycaemia occurring in children and young people with diabetes

In this film, Theresa Smyth Consultant Diabetes Specialist Nurse in the West Midlands discusses hypoglycaemia in people with diabetes and presents the role of the specialist diabetes nurse

In this film, Mark Mullins Associate Director of Paramedic Practice Yorkshire Ambulance Service NHS Trust discusses paramedic practice and follow up for people requiring emergency callouts for hypoglycaemia

In this film, Gema Mee a paramedic in the West Midlands discusses how paramedics manage hypoglycaemia in an emergency callout

In this film, Dr Patrick Holmes, GP in Darlington discusses the community follow up for someone with diabetes who has experienced hypoglycaemia

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