Welcome to our education section about LET’S TREAT NOW 

We hope this page provides you with the information you need to learn more about hypoglycaemia (low blood glucose levels) and the impact this can have in people’s lives.  

What is Hypoglycaemia? 

Hypoglycaemia or hypos. It’s when the blood glucose level is too low, usually below 4mmol/l. 

Hypoglycaemia can happen if the balance of diabetes medication taken (especially insulin), food eaten and physical activity undertaken isn’t right. Not everyone with diabetes will have hypos. 

A hypo can happen quickly. So it’s important people know what the signs are and what to do if they are having a hypo


This video encourages people living with diabetes to able talk about hypoglycaemia

This graphic shows the various signs and symptoms that people may experience when they’re having a hypo

Click link to access how to recognise and treat hypoglycaemia available in many languages

This graphic shows the signs and symptoms of hypoglycaemia and what people may experience depending on the speed the blood glucose drops, different signs and symptoms can be experienced

Here is a a short film about what it is like to experience a hypo and how to treat it from Diabetes UK

Please click on the image below to see feedback from 40 adults over 18 years about their feelings and reactions towards experiencing hypoglycaemia 

Hypoglycaemia can cause these responses 

Here is a poster detailing LET’S TREAT NOW and your hypoglycaemia and diabetes health

Please watch this animated video about Let’s Treat Now

In this video Jane Diggle Diabetes specialist Nurse Wakefield, details the care you will receive from your general practice and how your GP team will work with you to to manage hypoglycaemia

This Gold Questionnaire is often used during consultation conversations to assess your hypo awareness and unawareness

Here is a consultation guide for Type 1 Diabetes which you might find helpful

This guide from Diabetes UK offers advice about Fear of Hypoglycaemia

What you can do?

Be informed

Have a hypo plan

Ask Questions

Be aware of your symptoms